Septic Tank CleaningCustom Manure Pumping - Waste Water Removal - Sludge Removal - Umbilical PumpingE & F Custom Pumping, Inc. is a business, located in Templeton, IA., which manages the pumping and application of liquid manure from livestock operations, pumps, residential and commercial septic tanks, and handles city waste water sludge removal projects. Contact us for a quote on your project.OUR EQUIPMENTWe offer manure tanks, choppers and lagoon pumps, John Deere tractors, septic pump trucks and much more.OUR SERVICESWe offer custom manure pumping and application, septic tank cleaning and city waste water and sludge removal services.ABOUT USWe serve our customers with the latest equipment, most current information, and prompt, professional and friendly service.ABOUT USWe serve our customers with the latest equipment, most current information, and prompt, professional and friendly service.ABOUT USWe serve our customers with the latest equipment, most current information, and prompt, professional and friendly service.