It's funny how someone will post a review and hide behind the internet. It is also funny how the person who wrote the review is not the person who was even in the shop, had any knowledge of the details first hand, or called our shop to get the other side. \r
Any one who has done business with our repair facility , and there are hundreds, would know that we have 3 main repair costs. 1>) $60 which is our deposit and minimum charge 2.) $120 which is a wipe and reload of your system with NO data save 3.) $180 Which is a wipe and reload of your system with data save and clean. Our prices are explained in detail. The customer in question in this post stated he had just recently received the PC and had NO data to save. If there was data (which by the way we checked, there was no customer data to speak of) why would we not have backed it up. It would have made our shop additional money? Also, the poster states that it should have just been an easy ""IP reset"". Well then why did that person not repair the PC? Oh!, I also forgot to mention that the customer stayed in our shop for almost an hour while we completed the repair as well as discussed other things. They even checked the PC while it was on the bench before leaving. (Camera footage does not lie)\r
Thanks to all of our loyal and faithful customers who know the real type of service we provide. Although we are FAR from perfect. We always try to provide the highest quality service possible. Thank YOU D.C.T. Management