All Your Funeral Needs Helping prepare the best funeral Schedule your free consultation.
Whether you are pre-planning your funeral or are in need of immediate funeral arrangements, we will make sure you are informed of your choices and decisions. We will help you prepare the best funeral within your budget.Here at Loudoun Funeral Chapels we are privileged to have served our areas families. Our experienced staff will provide you with dedicated and compassionate service during your difficult time of loss. We are committed in guiding you through making the appropriate arrangements for a funeral that is most meaningful and pleasing to your family. Funeral services include:- Traditional Funerals- Personalized Funerals- Direct Burials- Transfer (shipping) Service- Limited Service OptionCremation services:- Traditional Funerals- Memorial Services- Direct CremationsMerchandise services:- Caskets- Vaults- Urns- Rental Caskets- Transfer Containers- MonumentsVeteran services:- Specialized merchandise- Service for US veterans