i recieved a citation from officer debroah powe on the 16th may,2009 at 11800 beach blvd. i was informed i was not wearing my seat belt. under section 316.614.4(b). the problem is she could not stop me for just a secondary or a non moving infraction under that statute because it dose not allow it, at least not until july 1st 2009. i was informed if i did not sign the ticket i would be arrested and tacken to jail. i signed the ticket (under protest). and was released. sunday afternoon i contacted channel 25 news and explained what happened to me and provided proof that that part of the revised statute dose not take affect until july 1st 2009. channel 25 news came to my residence did an interview. after the interview i checked my voice mail and officer deborah powe had contacted me and wanted me to meet her somewhere and give her the coppy of the citation so that the citation could be recinded because i was right and she was wrong. now i will not go into the civil rights violation of unlawful detention, but i do want people to know that this was not an isolated incident. jso was out in packs all over the city writting unlawful citations and violating citazens rights. i have since turned my copy of the unlawful citation over to officer powe's superviser and was assured by him that the unlawful citation would be recinded. but i do not have no confidence in jso to do the right thing and i would rate this dept. as bad as the new orleans dept. or worse.
Cons: incompatent and croocked