Dunnam's Private School is an elementary school (pre-K through 5th grade) with a total of 282 children enrolled. If you're looking for a small school with great, dedicated teachers in a warm, loving, christian environment, this is the school for you. My son has been with this school since he was 3 years old (now 6), and every year is better. This principal knows the name of every child in the school, and the teachers are truly concerned for the well-fare of your child. They are more than just teachers at this school; they really make an effort to get to know you here, and by the end of the school year they have became a friend. Another plus of this school is that they use the A Beka Program, which provides excellent education in math, reading, social studies, etc., but also provides the children with Bible lessons to give them a Christian perspective on learning.
PROS: Small classes; friendly faculty and staff; and a Christian learning base.
CONS: Located in a neighborhood on a