Dunkelberger's Sports Outfitter started as a one man shop on North 6th Street in Stroudsburg, PA, February, 18, 1972. Jere Dunkelberger offered the local and not so local anglers and hunters the necessities that they needed. As the business developed, Dunkelberger's acquired many brand named products that in the region, are exclusive to the store. Two moves and many years later Dunkelberger's set up shop in a beautifully restored, 6000 square foot historic building on Main Street in downtown Stroudsburg. Dunkelberger's new building more than doubled the retail space that the previous location offered and was quickly filled with the many outdoor products that makes Dunkelberger's famous.
The hardest times for the store came in 1996 when a fire started behind the building and destroying the ladies shop damaging much of the remaining store. The store was closed for a month while it was being renovated. A neighboring shop, also damaged in the fire, relocated and this offered a new opportunity for Dunkelberger's growth. The ladies shop moved into this space, after renovation, and allowed for a new department, Dunkelberger's for Men, to emerge. Then in 1997, with no room on either side to expand, Dunkelberger's added an archery pro shop and three archery ranges upstairs. The indoor archery range is one of the best places in the east for archers to practice their skills.
Dunkelberger's will continue to offer top-of-the-line products, community support, and unparalleled service to all who venture through the doors.
We want your shopping experience to be enjoyable, and our professional staff will help you with any questions you may have.
Jere Dunkelberger, President
* Apparel
* Archery
* Camping
* Delta
* Field Logic
* Fishing
* Hiking
* Hunting
* Indoor Archery Range
* Indoor Shooting Range
* McKenzie
* Pocono Pistol Range
* Shooting
* Targets
* The Block
* The GlanDel