I went to Duncan Brothers for 4 tires for my Honda CRV. After sitting for several hours (even though I had an appointment @ 8AM) I was told my vehicle was ready (1PM). I drove a few miles and merged onto 81 and thought my car was going to fall apart. I turned around and drove back to Duncan Brothers. I was told that the tire balancing machine was broken and I would have to wait for it to be fixed (a few more hours of waiting). They brought me the keys (4:30PM) and told me it was now ready. Again when I merged onto 81 it started to shake again, just not as bad as before. I did not think I could take any more waiting that day so I decided to just go home and would take it back the next day. I took it back the next day and they balanced it again. Still it shook anytime I drove over 50 mph. I took it to Midas and asked them to balance it. They told me there was a defect on one of the tires and that they could not get the tire balanced. I took it back to Duncan Brothers - they told me there was nothing wrong with the tire. I asked for a technician to ride with me so they could experience it for themself. When we returned the technician told ""Keith"" that it was unbalanced. Keith refused to change out the tire for us (even though it had not even been 24 hours). He told us that if we were unhappy with the one tire that we would have to make a claim to the manufacture that he would not take care of it for us even though we bought the tire from Duncan Brothers.