You Have Better Things To Do Than Your Taxes
DEVELOPED WITH YOUR LIFESTYLE IN MIND. You have reached the point when your time is more valuable than to spend it You have reached the point when your time is more valuable than to spend it with tax preparation software and your lifestyle requires a more sophisticated tax professional. We can provide you with the expertise and personal service that you deserve. I am an Enrolled Agent with more than 40 years of experience preparing all manner of tax returns. I have taught classes ranging form basic tax preparation to advanced continuing education classes for other Enrolled Agents as well as preparing training manuals for those classes. I have acted as a consultant for other tax professionals providing guidance, tax knowledge and solutions to complex tax problems. I am uniquely qualified to provide the same service to you. Give me a call and interview me for the job as your tax professional.. Individual Returns * Partnership Returns * Fiduciary Returns * Corporate Returns * Audit Defense * Tax/Retirement Planning * Estate Planning