Drain Doctor- If your Plumbing is Sick, I'll fix it quick! Formerly employed through City Plumbing, Heating and Supply in Wellsburg. After the closure of CPH in November, Randy Wilken, Experienced plumber and resident in Colliers/Weirton/Follansbee for over 30 years is pleased to be welcoming and continuing to service customers with his new business DRAIN DOCTOR. WV Master Plumber, Licensed, Insured. Continuously working in WV the NEW Drain Doctor is ... NOW OPEN AND OFFERING SERVICES... Providing extended hours, and MANY services. Drain Cleaning, Drain/Line repairs, Replacement of fixtures, fixing that leak, or running a new line for your indoor/outdoor plumbing needs. Complete installation of Water Tanks - electric/gas or tankless systems - and other household appliances (dishwasher, refrigerators, gas stove/furnace lines) Quality of Workmanship is guaranteed, offering FREE estimates and the BEST pricing in the Northern Panhandle of WV. NO hidden charges, surprise fees or "extra service charges" Call today! You'll be glad you did!. * Drains * Drain Cleaning & Repair * Plumbing * Commercial Plumbing * Residential Plumbing * Plumbing Installation * Gas leak repair * Plumbing Engineers * Sewer Cleaners & Repairers * Home Repair & Maintenance * Plumbing,Drains & Sewer Consultants * Plumbing Contractors-Commercial & Industrial