I know so many things about my patients not just about the medical issues they have but also about there personal lives as well, so I figured I'll tell you alittle bit of my life as well. I played competitive sports for years and after awhile it takes a toll on your body especially my low back in my case. Getting adjusted gave me the relief I needed. In 2010 I was working out when I twisted the wrong way and felt a warm sensation down my right leg and had pain in my low back. I got adjusted and felt better. After weeks went on the pain started getting worse I got adjusted and the pain stayed about the same and also I started to notice my right foot was dropping abit. My MRI showed I had a huge herniation on the L4-L5 disc along with a big fragment that broke off and was hitting one of the nerves in my low back. As the pain became worse and my foot drop increased I realized I needed surgery. I had a micodiscectomy. We are realistic about our expectations and we will be honest with you.