I took my 4-year old to this office for her 3rd dental visit. It is a brand new office on Route 10 right near the police station. They hygentist was pretty friendly with her and she got her teeth cleaned and gave her a flouride treatment. My poor daughter was miserable the whole time. It is the dentist after all, but I think the dentist could have made her feel a little more comfortable. She saw Dr. Marci Smith who was not that personable with her either. (I did over hear her saying she was not feeling good that day.) When it was time to check out I had forgot my insurance card and offered to go home and get it, but they said I couldn't do it and would just have to pay for the visit right then and there. After I got a little huffy with them and gave them all the correct information they let it slide. I had an upset 4-year old with me so I didn't really need that on top of it. I don't think I'll be taking my daughter back there. The office was very nice and looked for high tech. Maybe it would be good for adults.