When I was 17 years old, I had a retinal detachment, meaning my retina detached from the back of my eye, causing me to lose vision in one of my eyes. This is VERY uncommon in kids so young, I have very severe nearsightedness which brought it on. The doctor that did my surgery is no longer working there, but ever since she left I’ve been seeing Dr. Munsen. Although it’s kind of a long drive for me, it is definitely worth it. My retina was repaired but I still have moments when I’m not sure if there’s something else wrong (floaters, flashers, etc.), so whenever I need reassurance I see Dr. Munsen. His techs are good and he himself is very calm and knowledgeable, he is able to see things that my normal eye doc can’t. He is extremely good at what he does and I highly, highly recommend him!