We want to welcome you to our practice and let you know what you can expect during your course of care. Let me begin by describing what type of practice this is. You have chosen a specialized type of treatment called Applied Kinesiology, which is both diagnostic and therapeutic. This type of care is a precise and exacting treatment that will require your commitment and active participation to achieve maximum benefits and recovery of your health. This will mean life-style changes such as diet, nutritional support, exercise and even weight loss, if necessary, to bring about the best results. We will try to achieve these changes in a short period of time with the least amount of visits -- this is to save you time and money. If you have received chiropractic care before, you are probably familiar with treatment plans requiring three visits a week for a month or more, then twice a week for a month followed by once a week for another month. This is very time consuming and costly with insurance co-pays and deductibles. The use of Applied Kinesiology makes this type of treatment plan obsolete. This is because the stabilization of the muscular system which move and support your spine and skeletal system will cause the adjustment and treatment to last longer and reduce reoccurrence in chronic problems. The simple fact is that the muscle moves bone and bone does not move muscle is what this is based on.