Dr Paint Professional Painting we know quality. We are a BBB accredited A+ business. Our team delivers exceptional results backed more than a decade of experience. Our company is customer-centered, always striving to not just meet, but exceed your expectations! Whether you have a major residential exterior project or a quick commercial project, you can count on our professional painters to get the job done right. Dr Paint Professional Painting specializes in the following: Residential Painting Commercial Painting Industrial Painting Interiors Painting Exteriors Painting Cabinet Painting Decks Staining Deck Painting Fence Staining Fence Painting Eco-Friendly Painting Pressure Washing Priming Sealing Trim & Baseboard Painting Paint Removal Plaster & Drywall Services Wallpaper Removal Popcorn Removal Stucco Repair Carpentry Repair Servicing the following areas: Orland Park IL Homer Glen IL