My wife and I went for marriage counseling in 2009. Over the course of 5 or 6 visits, it was marginally helpful at best. She didn't really give us much "homework" and seemed to be rather judgmental at times to each one of us or to us as a couple. So it wasn't like "we are who we are" and we work with that (and try to work toward a common good ), but more like "you're defective in some manner" at times. My wife and I routinely walked out of there feeling like we didn't really accomplish anything. It was almost like we felt closer because we had the same feelings about how things didn't go that good - instead of feeling closer because of some positive thing in the session! She might be better with individuals and other counseling services - but I would not recommend her for couples. She seemed to be a conservative Christian and that seemed to keep the sessions from being as open and non-judgmental as they could have been. As Christians ourselves, we weren't impressed. On the plus side: The waiting room was very nice, comfortable and clean; she was very punctual, we felt there was a good deal of privacy.