Saw him for whip lash. It seem to work well but had to return after a while. So the relief is temporary. When I tried to find out his prices for insurance he told me it was not my business but between he and my insurance company. He told me if I didn't like it, then don't come back. Not the bedside manner I needed. I had a limited amount of insurance money for my car accident. Its my right to ask for prices. I was asking about the cash prices and found out he charges for the heat lamp and more areas. If its the neck and shoulders thats two areas and more. He told me since he already knows I have insurance I couldn't give him cash. And he would charge what he wanted to charge. I've never seen anyone get so upset about disclosing prices for service. Very intimidating. Also the ben for used needles was overflowing so I hope he doesn't reuse needles. I'm sure he would be offended if I asked, like he was about the prices. In general acupuncture is helpful for whiplash.