I met Dr. Wright 11 years ago when I was late in a very high risk pregnancy. He immediately admitted me to the hospital and was the most attentive physician I have ever known for the next 3 weeks. I had just finished nursing school and he would even remind me to be studying for my boards while I was on bed rest and even quizzed me on my lab results. He called me every evening, my phone in the room, not the nurse's station. And after he safely delivered my little girl and I was discharged to home, he even called me at home a couple of days later just to see how I was. I remember asking him why he decided this specialty...and he said that he believed babies are the truly innocents in the world and he wanted to try to do what he could to get them here safely. Eleven years later, I still compare not only physicians, but all men by what I saw in him. Truly a wonderful doctor and seemingly a great man. AmandaBusbee (7/28/99 - 3 lbs 8 oz, 9 weeks early) and I thank you, Dr. Wright. Lynnette Busbee RN