Dr. Fibus (http://www.drfibus.com) helped me with my emotion outbursts that almost ruined my life. It literally took nothing to get me boiling and the reactions were sometimes off guard. I used to yell, scream and break stuff, my relationship and my family suffered for years and at work I was kicked out twice. One day my girlfriend had enough with my rollercoaster moods and threatened to leave me if I didn’t change a bit. That day she really meant it, and I knew I had to change but I did not know how… I had some counselling in the past with no tangible results. So she told me she knew Dr. Fibus and told me I should try him cause he’s helped a lot of people. After 2 or 3 sessions with him he discovered what triggered those bad moods; he arranged some training sessions to literally quell the beast out of me and 6 months later my temper was gone. Now I feel much better, more in balance, my girlfriend loves me more and I‘m happy I’m not the terror I used to be. Dr. Fibus knows his stuff, I’m thankful for my girlfriend’s tip because I don’t know where I would be right now if it wasn’t for Dr. Fibus and his help.