Eight Rivers Integrative Medicine is a Naturopathic Medicine clinic in Ipswich Massachusetts serving Ipswich and surrounding towns of Rowley, Topsfield, Hamilton, Wenham, Beverly, Essex, Manchester - By - The Sea, Gloucester, Georgetown, Boxford, Newbury, Newburyport, Salem, Swamscott, and Marblehead. Some people come from farther away to be seen. We are a primary care clinic with a special interest in drugless chronic pain alleviation. We see men, women, children and infants. We do well baby visits, and treat most medical conditions, as well as offer individualized protocols to improve health and strengthen the immune systems against infectious diseases such as flu and viruses. We specialize in Drugless Pain Management.
* Botanical Medicine
* Homeopathy
* Hydrotherapy
* Naturopathic Manipulative Medicine
* Traditional Chinese Medicines