My name is Dr. Carmelo F. Caratozzolo DC. Everybody calls me Dr. C. We have been providing chiropractic care with excellence since 1998. Come visit us at 2894 Garber Way in Woodbridge, VA. Our new location is right on Minnieville Rd. This is a place where people with a commitment to health feel right at home. At ACT Wellness Center, our mission is to educate others about healthy living, and provide spinal correction to as many generations of families as possible with honesty, caring and commitment. Our goal in this mission is to have a practice that is legendary for changing lives and making a positive impact on the world. We support health habits ranging from the decisions of a particular individual all the way to demonstrating our commitment to helping create a healthier planet. As a Chiropractor I am thankful to have the opportunity to help so many people get well and stay well with our natural and drugless approach. Z