Dr. Robert Bloomfield is an Internal Medicine practitioner who specializes in overall management of all types of health issues. Dr. Bloomfield and his small, dedicated staff take a personal and caring approach to each and every patient's individual needs. We offer multiple approaches to helping an individual answer any health question they may have. We promote well being and at the same time offer in-depth, one-on-one education and even an item and product page with things pertinent to Dr. Bloomfield, as well as high-quality supplements. Check out our education page periodically to keep up with various interesting topics, including dietary suggestions. Our items and products page will have many things worth looking at as well. Evergreen health promotion provides the following services and more detail is provided on our services page: Preventive services In-depth patient education Genomic advice, including pharmaco-genetic testing Physicals Elder care directives Medication/supplement review w/ input from pharm.D. Contact our office with any questions pertaining to services we offer. We will be glad to answer all inquiries.At Evergreen Health Promotion we strive to offer the patient an approach to health care that extends beyond the typical doctor's visit. We try to inform, educate and treat in a way that promotes healthy living and life habits. Dr. Bloomfield takes the time to thoroughly analyze each individuals health concerns and treats in the most complete fashion possible. His intentions are to not only treat immediate needs but to also inform and educate each patient so they can improve their overall health from a broad perspective. He engages the patient into a shared effort toward better health. Our services encompass all new patient needs, chronic disease management, medication review, cholesterol and blood sugar testing, dietary concerns, vaccinations, coordination of care, pulmonary issues, high blood pressure issues, stress management, vitality, all types of physicals, wellness exams and anything concerning general overall health. We also offer in office procedures that test for potential health issues based upon certain risk criteria an individual may have. These include the six minute walk, spirometry and peak flow (simple pulmonary function tests that analyze a persons pulmonary capability in an every day context), the ABI test or ankle brachial index test which is a test that measures blood pressure in all four limbs and gives a ratio that can signal arterial health issues such as PAD. The M.O.S.T. test which is a cognitive functionality test that helps the early discovery of potential neurological issues such as alzheimers disease, memory loss and dementia. We also have hearing/audiology testing used in simplistic hearing analysis. These procedures/tests are non invasive and short. They allow Dr. Bloomfield data with which he can potentially diagnose, advise and help a patient with preventive measures, management and good habits that can be life-improving.. Evergreen health promotion provides the following services: Preventive services Patient education Genomic advice Physicals Elder care directives Medication/supplement review w/ input from pharm.D.