So, I have had back problems since Jr. High and there was no rhyme or reason to what was causing the stinging, tingling sensations that would periodically run through my body. As I was in training for my marathon this past year, I suddenly injured my left leg and could not run - 2 week prior to the start of the race!... months and months of training down the drain. So I searched for a physical therapist, but what I found was a Chiropractor by the name of Dr. Aaron Shakarian. Dr. Aaron assessed my injury, but also looked for the root of why the injury was caused. He then performed some amazing treatments both on my leg and back. He basically got me running again in time for the marathon, where I ran a personal best, 3:52! Then after multiple treatments to my back, he has the ability to give me immediate gratification every time I see him. With Dr. Aaron... there is no, "is this doing anything?" thoughts. With his muscle "tests" and body assessments, he is able to see exactly what is "out" and adjust accordingly. Its not a guessing game and you see and feel the results instantly. Take it from a guy who knows his body well that, Dr Shakarian is more then an amazing Chiropractor... he is a caring, gifted body technician and a Dr. you can trust because of the immediate results of his "test" methods. You'll see what I mean when you go in... and become a believer when you come out.