Mr. Dowling, prefers to buy properties in nice communities and then turn them into rentals (illegally) and intentionally rents to trash to destroy neighborhoods that were once quiet. Then if you complain and you are a homeowner, he will threaten you, and have his assistant and even the trashy renters threaten you. This man, is evil, vindictive and money hungry. He intends to destroy people's livelihood. Do not rent from him or buy from him, or deal with this person. He is Vile and will attack you in any way he can. He is a crook and lethal. Please take this advice, please this man is not a good person, he wants to destroy anyone in his path. This man needs to be taken out of business, he is the devil in a suit.
Please take this advice do not do business with this person, he will try and destroy you and your family, he is heartless.