I was hired in September 2017 by Dove Designs to do graphic artwork. In my interview, the owner stated he would train me to do art for his new fishing jerseys. I agreed to leave a stable job with higher pay in order to work in my career field and stated this to my new employer. I started the following Monday and sat at my desk for a week with very little to do. I was told to try to create ads. I did this. Within the next two weeks, my employer began showing me how to start designing the jerseys in Photoshop. He was very impatient with me and insulted me claiming I did not know how to work Photoshop. I explained I had been working on a Mac computer the last three years and had forgotten some of the keyboard shortcuts for a PC. I remembered and used them. His attitude was very demeaning. And from his work in Photoshop, I could see he was able to produce the design work but he did not name his layers neither did he even know what the tools were named. His other artist called them by different names, as well. Neither of them had been to school for graphic design. Their methods were very confusing to me. He wanted me to take his work and run with it without training me in the way he wanted it done. I explained that people use Photoshop in different ways and there were several ways to complete tasks and I was used to other ways of doing so, that he only had to show me how he wanted me to achieve his design work and I would do it. Again, he was impatient with me claiming he didn't have time to show me how when he promised to train me. Instead, he asked the two other ladies who worked in the office to train me doing clerical work and what he called name-dropping. This is essentially changing the names on the t-shirt designs in PS. While it wasn't part of my job description to learn the clerical work, I learned it. He wanted me to be first on the phone so I was an answering service, I learned how to answer pertinent questions from customers, take orders, enter orders in Quick Books, and their filing system. I finished al