On 7/15/12, my husband and I had drinks there again. We had our ticket validated and presented it to the machine within the requisite 20 minute deadline. It asked for 8.10. Heck, no! We rang the buzzer, no one came on the line to assist. So we went around to the one in front. This time it asked for zero dollars and zero cents, which is exactly what I planned to remit. The bar would not raise. We hit the buzzer repeatedly to talk to someone. We got a variety of responses including (after our fourth recap: ""I'm sorry, I didn't hear a word of what you just said"") Then an attendant came out and wanted proof that we bought something. But we'd paid cash. So we called some more. Finally, my husband left the truck there and started heading back into the bar to talk to our server after a brief unhelpful exchange with the Parking Supv. \r
She told me to move his truck. As I walked over there, I told her I'd felt like breaking their little stick/bar. She said she'd have called the police for vandalism. I told her I'd have told them that Double Tree was holding us against our will, illegally. She said nothing else. I moved the truck as directed and not once did she come over and try to talk to me. The parking attendant came back out eventually and let us out. The parking attendant and the server apologized. The manager did not.\r
I wrote a letter to the supv, her manager and the general mgr. I received a polite, vaguely quasi conciliatory apology that I would call dismissive. They also said they'd talk to IPark, which I guess is the other entity involved.\r
I know that glitches happen but how the company handles itself when that occurs is the telling factor. They had every opportunity to show their penitence and they failed utterly. I will NEVER go back there. \r