We've used doorbell dining for a number of years, but recently they have increased their delivery charges to the point where it just no longer makes sense to use them. Delivery times also run about 1 hour to 1.5 hours, so plan well in advance. \r
While service overall is good, they have recently developed a nasty habit of adding on excessive tips for their drivers. In our case, even though they claim to deliver to our area, they always cry about needing more money ""for their drivers"" or they can't deliver. WTF? Basically it constitutes false advertising on their part. \r
After a few times of this ""we can't deliver to you unless you pay us more money for our drivers"" we have stopped using their service. Originally they had a good idea, but the company has gotten greedy in our view. Not only are they making a profit on the food you buy (we've heard about 20%), plus the delivery charge itself, but now they include a mandatory tip of 15% in most cases. Isn't a tip supposed to be for good service? I guess not with Doorbell Dining. \r
And as mentioned, be prepared, because when they decide that their profit, the delivery charge, and mandatory tip aren't enough, then they may attempt to extort an even higher tip on the phone from you or refuse delivery (after they have taken your order of course). It's no way to run a business if you ask me. \r
Here's a tip for Doorbell dining: get your act together, because it's just as easy to call a pizza place directly and save not only money, but having to deal with your staff.