I rented from Construction Reality/Donna Manor & lived in their Connie Jean Duplex for over 4 years. At first the person I delt with & signed my lease with was very nice. He recommended taking pictures of everything before moving in because come move out they WILL charge you for anything you didn't mention in your first walk through! Which you should be very picky when doing your first walk through in any new apartment. I moved in during the winter months so right away I got the gas turned on for heat. Well that didnt happen for a week because the heater waswas in such bad shape if I would of lite it I wouldnt of made it through the night, (Gas mans words). After that was cleared up, everything seemed fine until I had my first Maitenence need. My tubs caulking was coming out & getting moldy. A hispanic man came & fixed it but I wasnt able to communicate with him. The fix only held a few weeks & he had to come back all together 4 times. It was never fixed properly so I looked up how to do it & started doing things myself. My repairs were faster & held til the day I moved out! The next big issue was my water heater, it conked out & thank God for the Co-Alarm or I wouldnt of made it through the night! So all together I could of died in my sleep TWICE! Mind you the whole time the mangment was very nice & did what they could with any repairs & i did end up with a new water heater & it was great! I never new water could get that hot! The property is nice during the day. The Maitenence crew do a half ass job & will run over any trash in the grass & dont pick it up, so of course it makes the area look trashy. Come night all the weirdos/druggies come out to play. Cops are constantly around & I had to call them 5 times while living there. My car was broken into twice, my neighbors car, my neighbors unit was broken into & we always had people coming up to the windows trying to look in! All in all you get what you pay for. The rent is very cheap & if you look around you'll know why. Just be careful if you decide to live