Don Howard Painting & Pressure Washing have been serving the area for over 35 years. We have many satisfied customers, and we are happy to provide you with an extensive list of references and customer testimonials.
Don Howard Painting provides:
* Residential Painting Projects-Interior and Exterior
* Commercial Painting Projects from Restaurants, Large Buildings, Offices, To Historic Restorations
* We Paint Any Type of Surface and Pressure-Wash All Types Of Surfaces As Well
* Water Damage Restoration
* 35 Years Proven Experience and Customer Satisfaction
* Long Term Guarantees on Every Job
* References upon Request
Interior / Exterior Painting:
Specializing In Residential and Commercial Painting & Wall Covering For the Annapolis, Queen Anne, and Talbot Areas
Below, you can find our various specializations:
* Painting / Staining
* Wallpapering / Removal
* Textured Ceilings & Walls
* Faux Finishes
* Color Consultations
* Drywall Repairs / Installation
* Aluminum Siding Refinishing
* Caulking & Glazing
* Deck Maintenance
* Painting / Staining
* Pressure Washing
* Wood Replacement
Pressure Washing:
Don Howard Painting & Pressure Washing is Maryland's industry leader in residential & commercial pressure washing and power washing. Using state of the art equipment, we will improve and maintain the professional appearance of your homes, roofs, concrete, piers, patios, decks, fence, exterior furniture, buildings, apartments, parking structures, business parks, industrial sites, brick, store fronts, parking lots and more.
We have telescoping wands that reach as high as twenty-five feet eliminating any danger for those hard to reach areas. Furthermore, we can carry over 1000 gallons of water for areas that don't have it. We are eager and ready to assist you any way possible.
Call Us Now To Request a Quote & Free Consultation. * Aluminum Siding Re-Finishing
* Cedar Siding and Shake Re-Finishing
* Commercial Coatings
* Custom Wood Staining
* Deck Staining / Waterproofing
* Drywall Repair
* Interior / Exterior Custom Painting
* Pressure Washing and Chemical Baths
* Wallpaper Removal
* Water Damage Restoration