I honestly thought that going to a shelter with my kids was going to be a horrible experience. I was so blessed to find out I was wrong! I spent quite a bit of time at the YCC after I left my abusive ex-husband, and my life is truly better and greater for it. It was hard to change my ways and thinking a bit - to go from a woman who thought I could do nothing to KNOWING I could survive anything. One of the counselor told me it wasn't enough to survive, that I should thrive. I have!! I spent a month in the shelter and another 6 in the transitional program before I could get out on my own. The whole time I received counseling, classes in parenting and self-esteem, and my kids received self-esteem classes, too. The wonderful people there gave me the knowledge, strength, courage and belief in myself to move on to a great life! I now own my own home, am working full-time and attending college. My kids have the best grades and attitudes I've ever imagined. And - the best part - I'm so happy. I can't thank the good people at YCC enough. I don't know if I'd be alive today if it weren't for them. I hope they all know that there's one family out here that they truly helped. From the bottom of my heart, I thank them.