You'd never know from the outside, but this local winery has some of the best red wines we've ever tasted. When you open the door to their tasting room, you're usually greeted by Mike, their friendly and knowledgeable manager. For a small fee, you'll get treated to a tasking of several reds and whites. The cool thing is that this is also a working winery, where they do it all. And you can make your own wine. We've been treated to the warmth and hospitality of the owners, Dominic and Gloria, who you can find always working there too. Unlike some other local wineries, Dominico is open every day and has several monthly events, including Sunday Jazz. You'll enjoy this winery, the people and of course their wines. Tell them Jeff and Karen sent you.
Pros: Good people, good wine and good events
Cons: Can be a bit chilly, but that's good for the wine, no?