Where would I be without my Dollar Tree? Hmmmm.
I really like this store.
I like all dollar stores if you must know.
For years, it was the place for me to take my kids to spend their earnings for chores.
It was the place for my kids to shop for their Christmas gifts. It was affordable. And I didn't have to tell the children, sorry, we cannot afford to buy everyone a $50 gift. But to give the kids a limit of spending $1, $2, $3 or more per person made it affordable. And the kids could always find things for gifts for their family and friends.. and my wallet didn't die from sticker shock.
Tonight I was in picking up items for church. I spent over $50, which is a considerable sum, but had I gone to a regular retailer (Target, Kmart, etc) that amount would have easily been tripled or more.
They carry an array of all kinds of things. And as the years have passed by the quality of the merchandise has improved right along with the selection.
Where would I be without my Dollar Tree? Broke. That's where!