Christopher Dodson is a lifelong resident of the Rockford area. He believes that by offering the services of both an attorney and accountant under one roof, clients obtain substantial benefits from having one individual understand the whole picture rather than a single component of a transaction.
This understanding reduces client fees and results in better insight. Prior to starting his own law practice, he practiced law for Hinshaw & Culbertson concentrating in corporate law, taxation, and estate planning. Also, he was a senior financial consultant for the accounting / consulting firm, Arthur Andersen working with numerous clients in various industries in the U.S. and around the World.
Notably, his business experience took him overseas to Kuwait after the end of the Gulf War. Chris graduated with honors from law school and won the American Bar Association Client Counseling Competition emphasizing client interviewing skills and dispute resolution. He earned an accounting degree from the nationally ranked program at Northern Illinois University receiving a 4.0 in accounting. Chris is an avid competitor in endurance triathlons and multisport events.. |Incorporations|Contracts|Trials|Corporate Partnerships|Eminent Domain Attorneys