We scheduled an appointment for our one-year-old son shortly after lunch one weekday. I explained that he was a typical one-year-old, and the secretary assured us we wouldn't have a problem getting service quickly.
We arrived 15 minutes early for our appointment, and there was only one other person waiting; so far so good.
We waited patiently for about an hour. My son got a bit antsy, so I walked him around while my (pregnant) wife waited in the waiting room. After about 90 minutes had passed, my wife confronted the desk nurse, who in turn felt our wait was normal.
A few minutes later, we went in to see the doctor, son in tow. Total time waiting for the doctor: close to 100 minutes.
Our son was still behaving quite well, though was vocally unhappy when poked and prodded. After we talked with the doctor for a few minutes, she looked briefly at our son's eyes and explained that she would need to see him "5 or 6 more times" to fully evaluate his condition, then several more times for treatment. Total time with doctor: around 5 minutes.
After paying our bill, we went to a Raleigh eye doctor, who over the course of three visits (about 90 minutes total) and a short surgery identified and corrected our son's eye problems... but that's another review.