This is my second and last time I use Docs Plumbing of Fort Lauderdale. \r
At 7:43AM, I was told that a plumber would be here within 30 minutes. The plumber called lost at 9AM. \r
He arrived and did the work which I requested HOWEVER I WAS OVERCHARGED. \r
I was presented a bill for 3.5 hours of labor at $90 per hour. Unfortunately he was at my house for less than 3 hours. I was then told that they charge for travel time. \r
I called the office who stated that they round UP to the nearest half hour and the plumber was clocked in for 3 hours and 1 minute. They reluctantly reduced the labor to 3 hours.\r
The part replaced was a valve with a MSRP of $125. Although available on line for ~$85 I would not mind paying list however I RESENT being OVERCHARGED a price of $160.\r
Bottom line, this job would be fairly priced at ~ $350 not the $490 that was billed or the $450 I did pay. SHAME ON YOU DOCS PLUMBING\r