Of all the community theater stages I've seen around the Cleveland area, none has been as consistent and as provocative as the Dobama stage. It's a darling of the Coventry region not only because it's edgy but because it brings people together.
There's a strong force, a spirit behind all the shows Dobama does. Sure, the roof leaks every other year (and has since they moved in, back in the seventies), but who cares? Everybody is focused, everybody is into the art, and - incredibly - they can really act.
Dobama brings good plays and musicals into town. It's one of the few places where Cleveland isn't a derogatory adjective: it's real Cleveland theater.
The next time you're around, catch a show. The season is long and comprehensive; they just don't put on bad plays. One night a week is "pay as you can"; otherwise expect to pay $5 to $20.