We were taken advantage of by George Dixon (also known as Maurice). He has been posting ads on Craigslist for everything from simple yard cleanup jobs to full landscaping, fences and retaining walls. We found him through Craigslist and hired him to do several thousands of dollars in work. After a week of not starting and continued lies, we started doing some homework and that's when we found trouble (7+ Mugshots and lots of Felony charges from Fraud to DUI to even Battery). Even with delayed schedules and our new info about George, we still gave him the benefit and continued with the project without confronting him. When he showed up for work he was only here for an hour to two at time and had new tools he bought from Home Depot (not contractor level equipment other landscapers use). He kept making lies about how many people were coming to the house, how long they were there for, where and when he was buying our sod, and that he was going to "knock it out tomorrow, that is why I'm not coming today." After nearly a month, 6 visits from George, and a completely destroyed backyard, we gave up and confronted him. He made another final effort to complete the job but still completed only a quarter of the overall work, if that. We asked him for our money back (minus the legitimate work he has done) and he says deposits are non refundable (not in the contract). We're now posting negative reviews like this one and we've even offered to remove the online reviews if he gives us a refund, but he refuses. We will pursue him to the fullest extent of the law to retrieve our money and post reviews and warnings so others don't get taken for a ride. Make sure you do your homework before hiring a landscaper!!