Our motto is "Divorce with dignity, Divorce inexpensively" With divorce something that, unfortunately, many of us must address in our lifetime one needs an experienced lawyer with a sensible solution. Thousands of people have responded to the news of this new, less costly and more humane process of divorce. If you and your spouse have not yet called for a free conference, both of you should consider the following:
What is Divorce Mediation?
Divorce mediation is a process in which a married couple meets with an impartial mediator in order to reach an agreement regarding all of their marital issues. These issues may include child custody, parenting time, spousal support, property distribution, and apportionment of debt. Both parties participate in each mediation session, which normally lasts between one and one and one-half hours.
Why Mediate?
The primary goal of mediation is to resolve marital issues without the anger, hurt, and hostility that are often found in litigated divorce scenarios. Through mediation, both parties are assured that their point of view will be heard and considered. Mediation is also far less costly than litigation, and resolutions are generally reached more quickly. Research has shown that mediated settlements last far longer and work better that those obtained through litigation.
Arnold H. Miniman will act as your mediator. He has been a member of the New Jersey Bar since November of 1971. Mr. Miniman began his career by clerking for the Judge who handled all divorce proceedings for Morris, Sussex, and Warren counties prior to the adoption of the Family Court in New Jersey. Mr. Miniman has specialized in matters of family law for more than 28 years and has handled literally thousands of cases on behalf of both men and women. He was one of the initial panelists on the Morris County Early Settlement Panel and served on the panel for more than 15 years. Mr. Miniman has successfully completed the Specialization Seminar in Divorce Mediation offered at Rutgers University. He is a municipal court judge in four communities and has left the area of litigation to specialize in divorce mediation.
Arnold Miniman was born in Brooklyn, New York, the eldest of three sons of Arthur and Rosalind Miniman. He attended grade and high school in Springfield, New Jersey, and graduated from Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey) in May of 1968. He then attended the Washington College of Law, American University (Washington, D.C.), where he received his law degree in 1971.
Mr. Miniman was admitted to the practice of law in New Jersey and before the United States District Court, District of New Jersey, in 1971. He was admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court in 1984.