This school is very impressive. It is bright, sunny and welcoming. The faculty is well-qualified. The facility is clean, bright, remodeled, has state-of-the-art computer technology in every classroom, SMART board technology in every classroom, a beautiful brand new computer lab, new science lab, music room with a brand new baby grand piano and a large cafeteria. The administrative staff was pleasant and informative. All of the children seemed to be comfortable, focused and engaged. Examples of the students' work is displayed on the hallway bulletin boards and is also quite impressive. This school has undergone a transformation and is the first of it's kind in the area wherein it is a Catholic school run by a lay Board of Directors. It is in partnership with St. John's University and is well on it's way to becoming one of the most popular private schools in the area. I look forward to my children attending this school. I have searched the area over, and when public school is just not an option, finding this school was the answer to my prayers when I had started losing hope. Thank God! It is really worth taking a look at this registration season before making a final decision.