Diversified Construction & Design, LLC was founded in 2015 when Blake Williamson, owner of Diversified Services, LLC, and Mac's Tree Services owned by Buddy McAdams and Howard Cupp, Jr. merged the construction divisions of their respective companies. Upon inception, Diversified Construction & Design began performing major commercial and residential projects in its hometown, El Dorado, Arkansas. Notable projects within the first year of business include Wendy's Restaurant, renovation of the local municipal auditorium, new hanger at Goodwin Field Airport and construction of new sidewalks for the entire downtown area. In July 2016, Diversified Construction & Design achieved another significant milestone when we launched our industrial services division. Diversified Construction and Design was able to add this division to our portfolio by acquiring highly experienced and seasoned personnel from around the area allowing us to provide top quality mechanical and industrial services. At Diversified Construction & Design, we pride ourselves in delivering the highest level of safety, quality workmanship and efficiency. Diversified Construction & Design has positioned itself to be a leading industrial General Contractor in south Arkansas and the southern region of the United States Our name, Diversified Construction & Design, says it all. We can assist you with small, mid-sized or large projects whether residential, commercial or industrial. At Diversified Construction & Design, we partner with you from conception throughout construction until project completion working closely with you to meet and exceed your expectations. Large or small, let us help you plan, design and construct your next project.. Construction Management Services: Project Management – Green Field or Existing,Project Safety Management and Training, Turnaround Planning and Consulting,and Engineering. Commercial/Residential Services: New and Re-model – electrical,plumbing,welding,carpentry (framing and finish),concrete,roofing,Site development,Concrete Finishing,Erection of pre-engineered buildings,Civil Engineering Services,Project Management and Consulting,Delivery of gravel,chat and other road material. Industrial Services: Boilermaker,Structural Fabrication/Installation,Piping Fabrication/Installation,API Tank Inspection/Repair/Construction,Pressure Vessel Repairs/Modifications,Blast/Coatings,Pre-engineered Building Erector,and Demolition. QA/QC services: QA/QC Facility Management with over 65 Weld Procedure Qualifications Records (PQR),R-Stamp – NBIC 8/31/2016,S-Stamp – ASME 8/31/2016,API 653 Inspection,API 570 Inspection,Magnetic Flux Leakage Examination,Ultrasonic Thickness Examination,Penetrant Testing & Magnetic Particle Testing,Certified Welding Inspection,Concrete Testing – ACI,and Soil Compaction Testing.