I visited this establishment and had a sales guy tell me twice that he could ""work with me"" on a sofa and loveseat for $550. Twice. He told me to call him two days later. A woman answered and told me he wasn't there and she would look into it. She called me back and assured me that the guy didn't say what I typed above. I didn't give her a chance to tell me there was some sort of misunderstanding. She will just have to learn from a few more examples of this guy promising something he can't deliver and then later lying about it. I think she must have been the manager and this guy thought he would get in trouble if he told the truth. Don't shop here. To be fair, it was a really reasonable price for what I was asking (so that's why I asked the guy to confirm that we were talking about a sofa and loveseat - his story now is sofa only), so I guess it is true that if it seems too good to be true it probably is. I guess I should have got it in writing.
Cons: Told me the price twice,lies about it now.