Car insurance may not be the first thing on your mind, but you need coverage out on the road. At Direct, we can make getting a policy easy and as painless as possible so you can get back to your life. Want affordable insurance? We work to get you the best price with the right amount of coverage. At Direct, our motto is “We’ll Do Right by You.” Check your location for Saturday hours. Life Made Easier
• Choose how to connect,quote or purchase a policy: at one of our locations,by phone or online.
• Customizable payment plans and due dates.
• Dropped coverage? Welcome-back coverage with no penalties.
• No checking account or credit card required to get coverage.
• Customer service available in-store,online or by phone.
• Low rates; an affordable price no matter past driving record and credit history.
• Quick claims process with friendly and helpful representatives.
• Discounts available throughout our covered states.
• Local,with over 400 different locations throughout the Southeast.
• State-by-state auto insurance coverage and immediate proof of insurance to conveniently get you on the road.
• Comprehensive and collision auto coverage,as well as more options to fit your needs.
• Motorcycle insurance
• Life insurance
• SR-22 Policies
• Roadside Assistance
• Emergency Protection Plans
• NetSpend Prepaid MasterCard®