Took my car to Dimo's for drivability issues, it was 9:30 Monday morning when I dropped off my car, I told John (the owner) that i didn't need an estimate til Wednesday morning and didn't need the car back til friday. John told me no problem he'd have it done today! When I called Tuesday night he told me he hadn't had time to look at it and he would take care of it the next day. So I waited til thursday and called. Again he told me how he had not been able to get to it and he'd definitely have it done the next day. I let him know that I HAD to have it back on Friday, I have to give back the car I'm using for the week and MUST have my car. He told me no problem it would be done for sure! So, about 3 o'clock on Friday I called the shop and got no answer. I called his cell phone and got no answer. I left a message on both phones that I MUST have my car tonight! I stopped by the shop at about 5:30 to see what was going on, and on the door there was a sign saying ""CLOSED TODAY DUE TO CONSTRUCTION, BE BACK MONDAY"" My car was in the lot in the same spot it had been all week and it was blocked in by another vehicle!! I called his cell several times leaving messages that I needed my car and would come by later to get it, he needs to get here and move the Jeep, I NEED MY CAR TO GET TO WORK!! Well he never called back and the jeep was still blocking me when I went by later. I called his cell several times over the weekend and drove by the shop, to no avail. I called Monday morning, 8 day's after I dropped off my car, and he started to tell me how he couldn't get to it on friday or saturday, as if it were no big deal!! I let him know I'd be in to get my car after work. When i got there he told me the key was under the seat. That was it. No apology, nothing!!! This is the second time this has happened to me at his shop. The first time he told me an hour and took 6, that wasn't such a big deal and considering I could drop the car off for a week, I figured it wouldn't be a problem. Guess I was wrong. I gave him 5 days, he took 8 and NEVER TOUCHED THE CAR!! STAY AWAY!!
Pros: none!
Cons: worst service ever