dont hire them to cut down your a quote from carlos for about a hundred dollars less than the other 5 quotes i got .they finally show up with the wrong lift and put ruts in my yard getting it stuck in the mud.then they show up a month later and i get a call they dropped a log on my power lines and ripped the power lines ,cable, and phone off my house including the mast.i rush home and diego tells me how the job was quoted wrong and should have been thousands more than the original quote.upon further investigation i found they put a hole in my shed roof .damaged every fence board they took off .chainsawed one fencepost down instead of digging it up and dropped a log on another and broke it.they pulled off the job to get a bigger lift after carlos asked me if i wanted to go halves to pay for the's been over a month and they have not been back . fence is still down, hole is still in the shed roof,ruts in yard still there, one stump left and a half cut down tree.i am sure i am forgetting something. oh ....when they did all there damage i started to take pictures for my own protection and told carlos to get the trees down diego showed up dropping f bombs ,i told them how was i to know that they would show up again after obviously losing money on the job with all the damage , he started yelling about how in his country people dont do that and how it was b.s. that i was taking pictures. HEY DIEGO GO BACK TO WHAT EVER COUNTRY YOU CAME FROM . IN OUR COUNTRY WE EXPECT THE JOB TO BE DONE RIGHT! i beg you not to hire these clowns!