Therapeutic, Healing Massage & Spa Treatments
Diann Petralia is a NYS-Licensed Massage Therapist for over 17 years. She is certified in Her methods are based in the energy field of healing and treatments based on patient feedback are highly effective. She is presently studying with Ohashi at his Shiatsu Center in New York City. She has been practicing Zen Shiatsu for over 15 years. Shiatsu works with 12 energy meridians in the body. When one meridian is blocked, one usually experiences physical pain. Shiatsu helps to balance you emotionally, physically and psychologically. Diann believes in the importance of the body, mind and soul connection, and uses this in her massage center. She has a wide variety of massage services that serve each client's individual need Diann is a Reiki Master and also offers Reiki sessions. Reiki is a very gentle type of body work using a light touch