Carriger & Carriger Optometrists is a vision care office in both Topeka and Rossville, KS. We offer resolutions and treatment for common eye issues, such as pain, abrasions, injuries, red eyes, floaters and contact lens problems. With more than 30 years of experience, we provide patients with comprehensive eye care and complete vision examinations.
Our services are computer aided with retinal imaging, eliminating the need for eye dilation. This allows us to decrease the amount of time patients spend in the testing process. At our office, you'll find caring, concerned doctors who will listen to you and take time to do things right. We have expertise diagnosing and treating farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, glaucoma or cataracts.
Carriger & Carriger offers:
• Contact lens fitting (including hard to fit cases)
• Pediatric vision problem corrections
• Prescriptions
• Optical boutique
• Designer frames
• Prescription sunglasses
We're active members of VOSH, the Volunteer Optometric Service to Humanity, and Dr. Diana Carriger serves as a director for the Kansas Chapter. Additionally, we accept most insurance plans and major credit cards.
Improved sight begins by contacting Carriger & Carriger today!. Prescription Sunglasses|Sports Eyewear|Children's Eyewear|Eyeglasses|Bifocal Eyewear Lenses|Anti-Reflective Lenses|Extended Wear Contacts|Polarized Sun Lenses|Cleaning Solutions|Designer Eyewear|Custom Eyewear|Optical Supplies|UV Protective Coatings|Contact Lenses|Prescription Sunglasses|Plastic Lenses|Sunglasses|Contact Lenses||Repairs|Astigmatism|Geriatrics|Pediatric Eye Care|Eyeglass Fittings|Myopia Treatment|Eyeglass Adjustments