I felt compelled to write this after reading the reviews complaining about price.
...folks, you get what you pay for...
My adult teeth grew in with stains due to the medical community not understanding how antibiotics administered to children can affect tooth development. As such, I have 'weak teeth' and have at least 7 or 8 root canals (meaning, lots of experience).
Unfortunately for me, I've had root canals done where the Dr. failed to clean out the inside of the tooth properly, causing me to eventually have my root canals redone. Trust me when I tell you, this is not something you want to experience!
I eventually found a dentist and an Endodontist that were superior practitioners. After learning the difference between a good dentist and a bad/average one, I learned money is less important than making sure the job is done right. Unfortunately, I recently had to relocate and start over.
When my wife was told to get a root canal, I began a search in Issaquah for an Endodontist who is trained to use the latest equipment in their practice. Dr. Detwiler, (now Dr. Donnelly) was the only one in the area that has the capability I required.
Specifically, she uses an advanced microscope rather than a common dental ""bannana light"" to light up and peer into your tooth while she cleans and builds the root inserts. This allows for a superior result when cleaning the nerve tissue out of your tooth.
Also, I believe Dr. Donnelly is a newer dentist and is working to get her practice listed with more insurance providers - we've had no problem with our insurance...
My family has gone to her for 3 root canals. She's been great... My son had a pretty messed up tooth and has spent an inordinate amount of time in her chair as well.
Again, because of my extensive experience with these procedures, I'm telling you, time should be the least of your worries! Getting it right is MOST important and if Dr. Donnelly's biggest drawback is too much time in the chair, it seems to me it is because she's erring on the side of caution.
If your Dentist is referring you to Dr. Donnelly, I have a high opinion of your dentist! Because many of them might prefer to send you to their long-time associate rather than a new-comer with superior technique. My dentist wasn't happy when I refused his referral...
Save money at your own risk. Its a painful and expensive lesson I'd like to not have experienced. Dr Donnelly in Issaquah gets a top rating in my book.
BTW, her receptionist IS Great! Easily the most helpful person I've ever met in a dentist office.
Pros: Uses best practices