Never ever shop at this place it you want to keep your sanity. The owner, Judith, it openly rude and has an air of arrongance about her boutique and its over-priced funishings. Most of the things things there were purchased somewhere else on sale and marked up. I kid you not, this place is pricier that Neiman Marcus/ Horchow combined. Staff are very nice and humble when you act like you want to buy something, but dare not want to make a return/ exchange or you will certainly feel the wrath. The return/ exchange policy is only good for ten days!!! The items in store are very unique so if you need to take them home and compare them to your decor, if they don't match or don't seem to fit you liking you won't get the astronomical amount of money you spent back. Just a due bill or another item which you can exchange for. They will give you a very hard time about this and act like this is the norm everywhere else. I qoute the owner, ""If you bought this at Macy's they wouldn't even take it back."" The last time I checked Macy's has an 180 day return/exchange policy. Neiman Marcus allows you to bring things back whenever the hell you want!!! This lady just wants tp take and keep your money. Don't be suprised if you're surfing the net and happen to see your unique/ one of a kind piece on another website for less than half of what you paid for it at the Gallery. Trust me, don't get taken to the bank like I did. Again, I was appalled as to how I was treated when I only wanted to exchange something because I changed my color scheme in my kitchen. She told me that that was not her problem, yada- yada- yada. She also pointed her fniger in my face like I was a child. I am a very wealthy freelance journalist who happens to profile local business' and venues, but this particular day I resembled a highschool student. Regardless of how much money a person appears to have they schould be treated with dignity and respect. Judith needs a whopping does of whoop as!!!