Our Mission: At Designer Spaces, our mission is to design, manufacture and install high quality products that help people add storage, organization and living space to the homes they already own. As we like to say, Grow into your home, not out of it! Our Products: Want to park your car where it belongs? Our sheds and storage buildings can help you find room for the mower, yard tools, recreation vehicles and other stuff that fills your garage. Our designers will help accessorize the building with shelves, pegboard, workbenches, windows, venting and more. We make it more than storage space; we make it functional storage space. Want time for that 2nd cup of coffee in the morning? Our brand of closet and garage systems help you maximize storage and organization so you can spend less time trying to find that other black sock or matching sweater and more time relaxing with your family or getting ready for your day. Our Services: Ready to get started? Simply call Designer Spaces.