I've been taking my furry kids to Dr. Shenk since 2002, my fiance has been going to him longer. We never had a problem with Dr. Shenk. He was usually spot on on diagnosing our kids and was very reasonably priced. This all changed the end of June. Our 20 year old cat didn't look very good...his once glossy soft coat turned matted and frizzy. His once large frame of 18 lbs was now turning into a walking skeleton. In the matter of a day Tigger went from petting him and feeling fat under his skin to petting him and feeling bone from head to tail. We got him into Dr. Shenk and the first thing I noticed was him repeating the same question three separate times. I thought maybe it's just me...maybe I'm just being a little sensitive. Dr. Shenk proceeded to examine Tiggs and asked my fiance and I about his drinking lately and his use of the litterbox. We aren't with the cats 24/7 and we had four other cats with him so we never know who's doing what when we aren't with them. He yelled his question again when we really couldn't answer him shortly thereafter he asked us if he was being punked? We mentioned his coat change and weight loss and he asked if he was being punked!!! He informed us that we needed a reality check...needed a dose of reality the cat was 20. Ok that fine and dandy. We know he's 20 we weren't expecting him to wave a magic wand and make him young again which he seemed to imply that's what we wanted. We brought Tigger in there because we were genuinely concerned about him and this is how he treats us. We informed him that the weight loss seemed like it was overnight and he rebutts telling us he's sure it was more gradual than we are saying. His words will forever stick with me when he told us Tigger was the healthiest 20 year old cat he has ever seen. We left there appalled...a week later went for a second opinion when Tigger just deteriorated quickly and found out he had advanced kidney failure. Two weeks after Shenk told us he was the healthiest 20 year old he's ever seen we had to have our baby put down. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE beware if you do take your furry kids to this guy...expect nothing but aggrevation and missed diagnosis. He didn't even run any tests on Tigger which is pretty much standard at every other vet...how are you going to treat something if you don't even know what you're treating?
Pros: none anymore
Cons: incompassionate, unprofessional