I talked with Dr. Margaret Stewart-my time with her totaled 4 minutes-after waiting 3 months for this initial appt. I then had to pay a fee for services totaling $93.00--for the woman's time. Dr Stewart suggested I schedule an appt with their esthetician & she provided me prescription for a topical antibiotic to treat cystic acne. After learning that I could have scheduled an appt initially to see their esthetician & that it wouldn't have taken 3 months of waiting to be seen by the esthetician, I became very upset--and wanted to know why their staff hadn't informed me of this at the time of my phone inquiry. Their staff could only respond that I should have known that by scheduling an appt to be seen by a Doctor, that I should have known the type of exam I was going for. I was, indeed, upset at the fact that I had to pay so much for so little...when I expressed my frustration to the staff, Dr. Stewart asked to speak with me away from the waiting area and proceeded to insult my character--making a comment stating that I 'probably go through life always believing that you are taken advantage of.' This insult/personal attack, coupled with her comment that the $93.00 fee --me disputing the cost, yet understanding the reason for the fee--wouldn't affect her whatsoever, is the reason I am writing --consumers need to be aware of the way both Dr Stewart & her staff deal with matters of conflict...Dr Stewart likes to resolve conflict through personal degredation of your character--BEWARE.
Pros: She's probably very good at what she was trained to do in the realm of 'Dermatology'
Cons: She does NOT know how to deal w'matters of conflict & has absolutely NO people skills